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Kalurahan Gerbosari

Kap. Samigaluh, Kab. Kulon Progo, Provinsi DI Yogyakarta

Selamat Datang Di Website Resmi Kalurahan Gerbosari, Kapanewon Samigaluh, Kabupaten Kulon Progo

Empon - Empon Is One Of The Superior Herbs

Administrator 17 September 2019 Dibaca 513 Kali

Gerbosari Village, Samigaluh District, Kulon Progo Regency is an empon producing area. Empon-empon is a collection of plant roots that become spices and play an important role in health care. Included in the empon-empon include ginger, turmeric, galangal, ginger, and several others. Farmers used to sell their raw materials directly to sellers at very cheap prices. Over time, citizens began to think about how to increase the selling price of empon - empon. One of the residents of Gerbosari Village, Mrs. Yauyik Nana Ruslana from Pedukuhan Dukuh together with other residents namely Keceme, Menggermalang, Jati, Tlogo, Ketaon, Pengos A and Kemiriombo formed the Toga Saras Sari group in 2017.


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Memanfaatkan tanaman empon-empon menuju Desa Herbal


This group processes various empons - empon to be processed herbal medicine (powder, liquid, etc.). Variants of herbal medicine produced by this group are: fragrant ginger, red ginger, wedang uwuh, temulawak, turmeric, tamarind turmeric, kencur rice, etc. But long before the formation of the Saras Sari Toga Group, the mother of Yauyik Nana Ruslana had already produced processed herbs, even if only to fulfill orders from her son's friends. Sales of the Toga Saras Sari Group's products have reached Banjarmasin, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Riau North Sea Coast. The delivery areas that have been carried out until now are East Java, Central Java, West Java, Special Capital Region (DKI) Jakarta, Sumatra (Lampung), Sulawesi. The Saras Sari Toga group actively participates in activities held at the village, sub-district and district levels by holding a bazaar of various herbal medicines that have been packaged (instant) in the form of powder or liquid (ready to drink). By processing empon - empon into processed herbal medicine, making its selling power increase thereby increasing the economics of group members. red - RaNi

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